How to Assess and Fix an Axe

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Any time you get an axe with the handle taped from end to end - you soon get the idea that it's probably well cracked beneath the tape and likely to fracture. Some people like to tape the handle at the head end to protect it but any tape should be removed so that the handle can be checked out. This resource contains information on how to check and repair an axe.

The details..

How to assess and fix an Axe by OldJimbo is a practical guide for anyone who wants to learn how to evaluate the condition of an old axe. The author shares his expertise in identifying defects that may be present in used axes, such as cracks or rotting wood due to soaking in water. He also emphasizes that fixing an axe can come close in price with buying a new one; hence, purchasing used ones should be cheap.

The book goes into detail about checking both the head and handle of an axe before deciding if it's worth repairing or not. Readers will learn how they can identify recognizable brand names stamped onto heads after cleaning off rusts or wiping with oil. They'll also discover ways they could tell if there are any cracks within the head by using gasoline (with caution) when cleaning off rusts.

Furthermore, How To Assess And Fix An Axe educates readers on different types of sharpening techniques available for use today like files, grinders, stones among others while highlighting their pros & cons based on experience over time. The author advises against motorized grinding since it often burns out temper blades but recommends carrying small triangular files when going garage sales.

Finally, this book teaches readers what steps they need take once home with their newly acquired ax: removing tapes from handles burning paint/varnish slowly sanding until grains show up well then rubbing linseed oil which soaks up revealing any cracks needing replacement before chopping anything else! Overall this informative read offers valuable insights into maintaining your tools properly.

Resource Info

Page count: 10
Size: 180kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Defensive Skills